Friday, March 9, 2012

Need Some Computer Programming Help: Anyone who is familiar with the Alice program?

I'm a freshman, and my computer programming teacher can't teach at all. There is this bumper car simulation assignment that must be worked on in pairs, my teacher chose my partner and I'm stuck with a stubborn kid, who just sits back. The bumper car simulation consists of an arena, two bumper cars and a switch with a green and red button. What is supposed to happen is that when the green button is pressed the cars move freely, they move until they reach the edge of the arena or run into each other, at that point they then are supposed to turn, this continues until the red button is pressed. The red and green button aren't my problem, I'm having trouble with the whole set up (by the way these are some methods I must use, (world.runCar), (world.moveCar), (world.IsInBounds,) (world.IsTooClose) (world.carStart) (world.carStop) the problem is that i don't know what to use; for loop statement, while statement, if statement and I don't know what order I'm supposed to be using it. if there was someone who has experience using the Alice program and can make a simulation that can have two bumper cars, an arena, and can make them move and turn away when they are near hitting each other, it would help a lot.Need Some Computer Programming Help: Anyone who is familiar with the Alice program?
haha do you go to ncp? lol i know that is a stretch but we are doing the same project in the same exact way i cld help you at school? i finished mine

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